Why we want Love

Mar 25, 2022

Why I want Love

I think we want love for the chance it gives to experience the eroticism that comes with treading on the journey to unraveling you.

Down into their overlaid layers, down into the spiral of their minds and bodies we go.

Touching pieces of furniture of their mind. Old dusty boxes in the backs of closets with pictures of other versions of them, shades of them melted to bring you the version of them you know

To try to understand this life through another, I see how it brought you to you and then to me. Forgive me for these grammatical transitions in tense, I forgot who is who when in love — you, me and us merge. You and I blur.

Where do you end and I begin? My favorite time of day is when dusk meets night.




Hi there! I’m Vaishali and this is my little corner of the internet.